Wednesday, November 5, 2008

District President's report

The District governor, VDG, Cabinet Officials in various portfolios, the DCC–Leos, Lions, fellow Leos and Prospects.
Allow me to express my heart felt gratitude at the opportunity rendered to me to serve as the Leo District President for Leo district 413 for the Lionistic year 2008/09 with my working theme ‘ Together building miracles thought service’.
Many have been challenges in the year, however, we lived to see how we could remedy such to work to our advantage. We embarked on familiarization visitations to the various clubs, where the following were identified.
1. No proper handover to new office bearers where given
2. New officers orientation was not done
3. Guidance from Leo advisors was in some clubs no existent
4. Raising membership in some clubs was a challenge to mention but a few.
As a district we saw a need to help the clubs in some of those issues which were sometimes addressed during our visitation and also where among the various issues discussed included club management, roles of various club officers, how to undertake community relevant projects. To facilitate ease of communication, the District website, has been established and for any articles or information that the clubs need to communicate to the district and want to be posted on the web site please send such info to
Furthermore, we held a one day Leo leadership workshop hosted by Leo club of UTH where various topics were discussed. It was at this forum where workshop participants strategized to grow their club membership.
I had an opportunity in the earlier part of my term of office to attend Leo district Council meeting in Gweru, Zimbabwe with two Leos from UTH, the experience was very enriching. Were scheduled to have hosted Leos from 412 during our conference, however, due to circumstances beyond our control we were unable to.
The district has continued to face attrition in numbers of both clubs and membership at one time Leo district 413 boasted of having more than 21 Leo clubs but currently only 9 clubs are in existence and of these six are active. That the first Leo club (Kalonga) in Zambia is non existent makes sad readings.
We urge the sponsoring Lions clubs despite there many financial difficulties to help guide the Leo clubs being there projects, community service undertaken by these Leo clubs enhances the relevance of not only the existence of a Leo club but the pride of the sponsoring Lions club, it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

The Northern Region has continued to be a challenge. Jacaranda Leo club showed signs of revival but now need serious sustenance of their comeback.
Many are the stories told of how the District Council meetings used to be, how vibrant and interesting meetings used to be. A lot has to be done if we are to bring back our district to its former glory. A strong Leo movement is a strong foundation for this Lions movement in our district. A quality and Informed Leo is key to a vibrant Lion Movement, hence the need to invest in the Leo movement. Many are such examples to the latter, Lion Grivas Chiyaba, Ln Dan Zyambo to mention but two.

Conclusion: I would like to explain my thanks to the Vice District Governor Lion Ben Siame (Munali) for the support and time availed to us as Leos. The DCC Leo’s Lion Boniface Chitundu (Woodlands) for his able guidance, To Leo advisor UTH – Lion Ester Lungu (Woodlands) for having been consistent in attending our Leo Council meetings whose guidance meant much to us as Leos . To the Leo’s of District 413 for the support and efforts made to make better the lives of our communities. To the sponsoring Lions clubs thank you for your sponsorship of Leos to our council meetings, however, increase on the sponsorship of the numbers of Leo’s attending the Council meetings as this provide a rare opportunity for the clubs to interact and share ideas on how to mark our existence in our respective communities.
To my executive, I would like to say thank you for serving with me.
To my successor Leo Chanda Mutati (UNZA) you have a big challenge ahead of you work with everyone in the District to seek solutions to help make our district a vibrant one. Select a team dedicated to the service of mankind otherwise you will do all the work by yourself. I pledge my support to you when called upon.
Thank you

District President 2008/09
0955 818426

Leo Motela Ambulaya

District Secretary 2008/09

Leo Mwila Chewe

District Treasurer 2008/09
Leo Isaac Musonda
District Vice President 2008/09
Leo Chiluba Mumba
Immediate Past District president – Leo Chiluba Mumba

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